Within my work, chance plays a pivotal role. Through repetition and muscle memory, patterns, evolution, and entropy emerge. I contemplate the origins of these patterns; I wonder if they are instinctual, like animals on a cyclical migratory path, or are they acquired habits? The interplay between static and movement captivates me. Drawings may lack inherent motion, but they exist alongside our breathing bodies, the earth's rotation, and the vibrations of machines and sounds. My marks document these fluctuations, capturing the essence of our dynamic existence.

Informed by shodo (Japanese calligraphy), where the line balances mastery and spontaneity, I use fast-drying media that allows for a precarious balance between accuracy and the pigment's own agency. As technology progresses, I am able to show my hand more in digital media, with the same easy flow as drawing with a brush, allowing for interesting new stylistic adaptions and an avenue to expand my practice into new mediums.

photo credit: Suzy Taekyung Kim

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